„Innovative und sinnvolle Wirtschaft gelingt durch Schwarmintelligenz“ Dunja Burghardt
Open Space Studio mit InnoEnergy Masters School
Gemeinsam mit Studenten durften wir uns 2 Tage lang über eine lebendige Wirtschaft am Beispiel des Start-Ups WOHNWAGON unterhalten, kreative Ideen schmieden und Weiterdenken. Unser Fazit: Die Arbeit mit Studenten ist beflügelnd, steckt voller Innovation und ist ein Lebenselexier für jedes Unternehmen.
InnoEnergy Pressebericht
How do we develop and foster an environment of creativity amongst an intercultural team and how does Self-Leadership affect this process? The 2017 edition of the ENTECH Open Space Studio (OSS) Summer Atelier addressed the topic of sustainable and independent living, focusing on the example of the InnoEnergy start-up WOHNWAGON. The fourth edition of the OSS for ENTECH Summer Atelier hosted 29 first-year students from both Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) in Lisbon. The students recently met for a full week in beautiful Hassenroth, located 60 km from Frankfurt and in the heart of Europe, surrounded only by hills, forests and wind turbines.
The event was divided into 3 complementing parts, a 3-day self-leadership journey for the students, a 2-day co-creation workshop together with students and guests from industry, and a 1-day follow-up and preparation for the next steps. The self-leadership journey is a personal journey in which students explore their inner drive and passion. The process guides them in creating direction and focus for the students’ life and beyond. The 2-day co-creation workshop was held on the topic ‘How do we inspire and implement new ways of sustainable and independent living?’ focussing on the contributions and future developments of the InnoEnergy supported start-up WOHNWAGON.
The group of 29 students and 10 guests were lead through a co-creative dialogue to develop a picture of how sustainable and independent living will look and feel like in the future, as well as a detailed roadmap that supports WOHNWAGON’s growth and impact in the near future. All participants were inspired by the achievements and vision of WOHNWAGON, reaching the end of the Summer Atelier truly energised by the results produced, welcoming atmosphere of the days that they spent together and the way how an Open Space Studio is working. It is only half way in the Open Space Studio journey for the ENTECH students. Along with the new ENTECH intake 2017, they will attend the Open Space Studio Winter Atelier in October, followed by the Master’s School KIC Off in November – to support the event as catalysts.
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